Deep Underground Science and Engineering (Mar 2023)
Grouting theories and technologies for the reinforcement of fractured rocks surrounding deep roadways
Abstract Grouting is an effective method to improve the integrity and stability of fractured rocks that surround deep roadways. After years of research and practice, various theories and a complete set of grouting technologies for deep roadways with fractured rocks have been developed and are widely applied in Chinese coal mining production. This paper systematically summarizes and analyzes the research results concerning the theory, design, materials, processes, and equipment for the grouting and reinforcement of fractured rocks surrounding deep roadways. Specifically, in terms of grouting methods, pregrouting, grouting‐while‐excavation, and postgrouting methods are explored; in terms of grouting theory, backfill grouting, compaction grouting, infiltration grouting, and fracture grouting theories are studied. In addition, this paper also studies grouting borehole arrangement, water‐cement ratio, grouting pressure, grouting volume, grout diffusion radius, and other grouting parameters and their determination methods. On this basis, this paper explores the physical and mechanical properties of organic and organic‐inorganic composite grouting materials, and assess grouting reinforcement quality testing methods and instruments. Taken as the field cases, the application of pregrouting in front of heading faces, grouting‐while‐excavation, and postgrouting in the Kouzidong coal mine are then introduced, and the effects of the grouting reinforcements are evaluated. This paper proposes a development direction for grouting technology based on problems existing in the grouting reinforcement of fractured rocks surrounding deep roadways.