Cultura de los Cuidados (Jun 2012)
Evolution analysis of the concept 'person' in the adaptation theory of Roy
The analysis of the concept shows an essential role in the construction of nursing knowledge. Thus, this theoretical- thoughtful study is aimed to analyse the evolution of the concept person, described in the C. Roy adaptation model. The referred to concept analysis was made from the evolutionary analysis, proposed by Rodgers (2000), in five stages: interest concept identification; scenario and sample selection; data collection and interpretation of results. The scenario was built up by means of studying books and articles published about C. Roy related to her model description. From C. Roy’s historical publications, a significant evolution in the concept person is perceived, allowing a wider vision in the sense of moving from an ‘individual description’ to ‘group characters’. Moreover, important new terms as ‘humanism’, ‘holism’ and ‘cosmic units’ have been incorporated to her Nursing Model, which in fact introduce a significant change in her metaparadigm. The complexity of her theory shows that her application could be extended to multiple contexts, mostly should her concept of person by an individual alone, a group or a community.