Laboratorio dell'ISPF (Dec 2017)
Consonanze e dissonanze tra Malebranche e Spinoza: origini e sviluppi della questione
Consonance and Dissonance between Malebranche and Spinoza: Origins and Developments of the Matter. This essay aims to reconstruct – both from a historiographical point of view and from a historical and conceptual perspective – the origins, the milestones and the fundamental points of the question of the similarities and differences between the philosophies of Spinoza and Malebranche. It is structured on two levels: on the one hand, it examines the fundamental texts in which Malebranche critically evokes some of Spinoza’s theses or replies to those who point out the points of contact between his doctrine and that of the Dutch philosopher; on the other hand, it briefly reviews the history of the cross-reception of the two authors from Arnauld and Noël Aubert de Versé up to Hegel and Schopenhauer.