Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas (May 2014)
How an idea germinates into a projext or the intransitive resultative construction with Entity-Specific change-of-state verbs
This study discusses how seven of Levin’s (1993) entity-specific change-of-state verbs (i.e. bloom, blossom, flower, germinate, sprout, swell, and blister) are subsumed into the intransitive resultative construction by highlighting and making use of the external and internal constraints proposed by the Lexical Constructional Model (LCM; Ruiz de Mendoza and Mairal 2007). External constraints refer to cognitive mechanisms such as high-level metaphor and/or metonymy whereas internal constraints are concerned with the encyclopedic and event structure makeup of verbs. The Internal Variable Conditioning constraint is at work when the information encapsulated by a predicate determines the choice of the Z element in an intransitive resultative construction. The semantic makeup of the verb swell and the entity undergoing swelling constrain the nature of the resultant entity Z which must be bigger in size or have a bigger value that the Y element (e.g. The work, which was originally meant to consist only of a few sheets,sweelled into ten volumes).