Children (Oct 2022)
An Under-Recognized Disease: A Rare Case of Idiopathic CD4 Lymphopenia Mislabeled as Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia
Idiopathic CD4 Lymphopenia is a heterogeneous condition, recognized in the late 20th century, with a wide spectrum of presentations, requiring a high index of suspicion to avoid misdiagnosing the condition. This case highlights the diversity in its clinical presentations in the context of an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance. We are reporting a case of a nine-year-old child, initially labelled by her primary treating hospital as primary ciliary dyskinesia after presenting with chronic cough, purulent nasal discharge, and recurrent chest infections. She was referred to our facility, a tertiary center, as her condition marginally improved. After the patient has undergone a comprehensive diagnostic workup, including a gene study, she was found to be carrying a mutation known to cause idiopathic CD4 lymphopenia. Extended work up of her family showed that two of her siblings have inherited an autosomal dominant mutation from their mother who had a milder form of the disease. This condition is an extremely rare condition in children, which can be easily mislabeled. Thus, healthcare providers should avoid labeling certain long-standing diseases unless the diagnosis has been established. We encourage leveraging the use of the latest revolutionary genetic testing techniques to confirm the diagnosis of such puzzling cases.