Journal of the Georgia Public Health Association (Jan 2022)
Impact of public health nurse training on their perception to provide hypertension and diabetes care to patients in their communities.
To evaluate the impact of protocol training by a medical school and public health department on nurses’ perceptions to deliver care to patients with hypertension and diabetes. Training was delivered using the Georgia Diabetes and Hypertension Nurse protocols for public health nurses. A survey was developed and distributed post training to participants. The training included lectures, workshops, case discussions, simulation, and physical examination practice on standardized patients. Participants were asked about perceptions, both before and after training completion regarding frequency in changing practice and confidence in treating hypertension and diabetes for six items. Perceived levels of confidence for all questionnaire items after training were significantly higher than before the training for both hypertension and diabetes. Perceived practice frequency levels for hypertension were significant with more frequency for all items. Frequency levels for diabetes increased and perceived practice frequency levels before and after the training differed by degree attainment. Public health nurses showed increases in perceived confidence and frequency of performing patient care for diabetic and hypertensive patients. Those practicing under the protocol can carry out the full range of care activities needed for managing chronic disease, they have the potential to expand the availability, in rural and other underserved areas.