Langkawi: Journal of The Association for Arabic and English (Jun 2018)
Implementing the Method of Memorizing Vocabulary in Pushing Students to Learn Arabic
The method of memorizing the vocabulary is one of the educational methods in teaching Arabic in the Madrasah Tanwir al-Tsanawiyah al-Islamiyah Talun Sumberrejo Bojonegoro East Java. The activities of teaching students to memorize certain vocabulary under the supervision and guidance of the teacher, then given the task of memorizing the vocabulary in a certain period of time. The student pretended to memorize the vocabularies in front of the teacher temporarily or non-temporary depend on the desire of the teacher. It helps students to answer the question about the lesson on the Arabic language during the exam. So, students compete to learn Arabic in order to get the results fully in the lesson. Students return with training to memorize vocabularies. This method will make it easier for students to learn four language skills so that the Arabic language can be embodied and united in them. Problems in the implementation of the way to memorize the vocabulary is the teachers felt difficulty to apply the method of keeping vocabulary because of the difference in the ability of pupils in compositing of sentences of the vocabulary they memorized. Students feel difficulty writing the vocabulary they memorized than students feel heavy punishment. As the solution of the problems, the teacher should teach the Arabic language patiently and understand the conditions of the students, take care of the process of teaching, take the time to give greater attention to students with weak memory, give the students a lot of motivation to be active in learning and help students memorize and arrange the correct sentences, also to train students in writing the vocabulary repeatedly to read the vocabulary and order them to write.