Comment on Yeste et al. Polyphenols and IUGR Pregnancies: Intrauterine Growth Restriction and Hydroxytyrosol Affect the Development and Neurotransmitter Profile of the Hippocampus in a Pig Model. <i>Antioxidants</i> 2021, <i>10</i>, 1505
Glòria Garrabou,
Ana Sandra Hernández,
Mariona Guitart-Mampel,
Elena Escalada-Casellas,
Gemma Malats-Revelles,
Sara Castro-Barquero,
Ana María Ruiz-León,
Kilian Vellvé,
Rosa Casas,
Francesc Cardellach,
Fàtima Crispi,
Francesc Josep García-García
Glòria Garrabou
Muscle Research and Mitochondrial Function Laboratory, Cellex-IDIBAPS, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Barcelona, 08036 Barcelona, Spain
Ana Sandra Hernández
Biomedical Network Research Centre on Rare Diseases (CIBERER), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, 28029 Madrid, Spain
Mariona Guitart-Mampel
Muscle Research and Mitochondrial Function Laboratory, Cellex-IDIBAPS, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Barcelona, 08036 Barcelona, Spain
Elena Escalada-Casellas
Muscle Research and Mitochondrial Function Laboratory, Cellex-IDIBAPS, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Barcelona, 08036 Barcelona, Spain
Gemma Malats-Revelles
Muscle Research and Mitochondrial Function Laboratory, Cellex-IDIBAPS, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Barcelona, 08036 Barcelona, Spain
Sara Castro-Barquero
Internal Medicine Unit, Medicine Department, Hospital Clínic of Barcelona, 08036 Barcelona, Spain
Ana María Ruiz-León
Internal Medicine Unit, Medicine Department, Hospital Clínic of Barcelona, 08036 Barcelona, Spain
Kilian Vellvé
Biomedical Network Research Centre on Rare Diseases (CIBERER), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, 28029 Madrid, Spain
Rosa Casas
Internal Medicine Unit, Medicine Department, Hospital Clínic of Barcelona, 08036 Barcelona, Spain
Francesc Cardellach
Muscle Research and Mitochondrial Function Laboratory, Cellex-IDIBAPS, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Barcelona, 08036 Barcelona, Spain
Fàtima Crispi
Biomedical Network Research Centre on Rare Diseases (CIBERER), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, 28029 Madrid, Spain
Francesc Josep García-García
Muscle Research and Mitochondrial Function Laboratory, Cellex-IDIBAPS, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Barcelona, 08036 Barcelona, Spain
Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) affects 5–10% of newborns and increases the risks of intrauterine demise, neonatal morbidity, and death. In their recent publication, Yeste et al. found the benefits of hydroxytyrosol supplementation on brain remodeling from an IUGR pig model. Additionally, we found a significant decrease in phenolic alcohol (tyrosol and hydroxytyrosol) intake in IUGR pregnant women. Altogether, these findings support the notion that dietetic interventions, through supplementation but mostly via a balanced diet, can ameliorate IUGR complications. Furthermore, diet intervention combined with early biomarkers may allow clinicians to eventually anticipate IUGR diagnosis and help avoid one of the most frequent causes of newborn mortality and morbidity.