Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente (Dec 2007)
As áreas naturais protegidas e a responsabilidade social e ambiental das empresas: o caso do Mosaico da Mata Atlântica Central Fluminense e do Comperj
The article thinks about the pressures that defy the “protected areas” in order to sustain their politics of conservation in the case that the territory had been chose for setting an enormous industrial complex. We refer to the construction of the Complexo Petroquímico do Rio de Janeiro (Comperj) by the Petrobras Company at a very short distance from the Mosaico da Mata Atlântica Central Fluminense - MMACF (a whole of 22 protected areas) and, particularly, from the Apa de Guapimirím,that is the last original haven of the mangrove system of the Guanabara Bay. It is reasonable to preview that the protected areas will suffer strong environmental and social impacts. We wont to make evident that the social and environmental responsibility flaunted by Petrobras is not preventive, in the sense of planning the actions anticipating their consequences and conceiving its project in order to avoid risks. Its social and environmental responsibility bases on attitudes that only aim at the containment of the principal predicted problems and at the compensation for the caused damages.