Životné prostredie (Dec 2019)
Popularizácia environmetálneho výskumu na Ústave krajinnej ekológie SAV/ Popularisation of Environmental Research at the Institute of Landscape Ecology of SAS
This contribution presents the experience gained by Institute of Landscape Ecology of SAS employees in promoting scientific knowledge in landscape ecology. Herein, we utilise the popularisation tool to transfer scientific knowledge into real life. The aim of popularisation is to present research results in a simple and understandable form for the general public. The examples herein highlight the utmost importance of popularisation activities in the field of education. Without an ecologically educated population, we cannot expect to solve the environmental problems so often related to the non-ecological behaviour of man towards nature, its natural resources and the environment. We are therefore changing professional language and scientific expression for everyday communication to positively influence people’s environmental awareness. This approach will contribute to the preservation of Slovakia for future generations.