Al-Rafidain Dental Journal (Jun 2006)

Criteria for selection of Implant cases

  • Nadira A Hatim,
  • Rawa Y Al–Rawee,
  • Bashar A Tawfeeq

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 6, no. 2
pp. 161 – 170


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Aims: To evaluate upper and lower limits of the parameters used such as (age, sex, or selection of patient), and to detect the grade of understanding and acceptance of Iraqi publics for the implant surgery (education level). Materials and Methods: From a total of 300 patients seeking implant therapy in Al–Salam Hospital Implantology Center, only 45 patients were chosen to undergo implant surgery with age group 17– >60 years during the period from February 2002 to February 2005. A case sheet was specially prepared for this study containing information needed to determine the suitable criteria of implantation. Frialit–2 implant system was used with its different lengths and widths (color– coded). Maxillary and mandibular impressions, registration of maxillo–mandibular jaw relation records were done for each patient to record all findings. Data were collected and statically analyzed. Results: The higher age group patients were 17–30 years with percentage 5.33%, while non–operated patients 51–60 years showed high percentage of 29.66%. Criteria of the forty five patients (22 females and 23 males) participated in this study were statistically analyzed concerning the economical level. The operated patients showed 57.77% level I (high), 40% level II (moderate) and 2.22% level III (low). While for education level showed 53.3% level I, 42.2% level II and 4.4% level III. Conclusion: Low percentage of educational level of patients need an explanation about surgical and prosthetic parts of dental implant to elevate the education level of patients. In addition to educational level, economical level of patient plays an important role in the criteria for selection of patients.
