Ovidius University Annals: Economic Sciences Series (Feb 2024)
Study on Consumers’ Opinion Towards Doggie-to-go-bags in the Context of Food Waste Management
The restaurants are an excessive source of food waste, being critically influenced by the kitchen staff, waiters and consumers. The consumers’ plate waste is identified as a critical source of restaurant food waste (RFW). An alternative to minimize this RFW would be for customers to take home extra food in doggie-to-go-bags (takeaway containers). However, the existing social rules in numerous countries discourage consumers for asking for doggie-to-go-bags. In this research, it was surveyed a number of 200 costumers from Republic of Moldova in order to explore their opinion toward doggie-to-go-bags. Although surveyed consumers approve the doggie-to-go-bags, they are resistant to ask for doggie-to-go-bags (80% of them reported that there were not enough leftovers to justify a doggie-to-go-bag, 79% of them said that they usually eat all the food, while 49% were too embarrassed to ask for one).