Вестник Научно-исследовательского института железнодорожного транспорта (Feb 2015)
Model of Spring Liquid-Gas Tension Compensator of Overhead Catenary Wires and Messenger Cables
There is discussed the design version of spring liquid-gas type tension compensator of overhead catenary wires and messenger cables. Also presented is computer model of oscillations under conditions of linear and non-linear resistance. The task of improving current collection at high train speeds requires efficient suppression of the first large-amplitude oscillation and of all the subsequent small-amplitude oscillations as well. It has been indicated that non-linear quadratic resistance is necessary for efficient suppression of the first oscillation and linear resistance is needed for efficient suppression of the subsequent oscillations. Quadratic characteristic of the compensator resistance has been obtained employing liquid friction provisions and gas friction provisions have been used for obtaining its linear characteristic. Based on the solution results of the piston motion differential equations, piston position curves have been plotted for the cases of large and small deviations. It has been demonstrated that the proposed compensator design version and combined use of liquid friction and liquid-gas friction ensure efficient suppression of the overhead catenary major and slight oscillations. Application of the spring liquid-gas tension compensator of wires and messenger cables of overhead catenary system PZhG-1 makes possible forgoing of awkward wireline-roller systems.