Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (Dec 2024)
Examining the Role of Reputation as a Moderator of E-Service Quality, Trust, and E-Loyalty in Online Travel Services
This study presents and examines a more rigorous theoretical model for the relationships among e-service quality (e-SQ), trust, reputation, and e-loyalty in the online travel context, with the latter variables considered simultaneously and with reputation assumed to moderate the effect of e-SQ on both trust and loyalty. The model was tested using the two-step approach of the product method in partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) using data from 257 U.S. respondents who had used travel websites for information search and booking in the 12 months prior to the study. Results revealed that e-SQ positively influenced e-loyalty both directly and indirectly (through trust); however, the effect of e-SQ on e-loyalty is negatively moderated when website reputation is high/positive. These results provide a better understanding of the way e-SQ, trust, and reputation influence e-loyalty in online travel when modelled accurately.