Східноукраїнський медичний журнал (Sep 2019)
The article studies the requirements for educators regarding to the sphere of professional competence in the light of the educational reforms and social transformations. The aim of the work is to highlight modern requirements for teaching at the university. The concept of “compiler” and “competence” in the broad sense is investigated here. The basic, qualitative characteristics of compiler as a person who has several professions, has knowledge and practical skills in various spheres. Assessment of content and competency profiles is conducted. The concept of professional competence of scientific and pedagogical worker is investigated in this article. Various aspects of the work of the teacher of Higher Education are analyzed, especially as regards of his professional activity. The possibilities of information flow control in the conditions of overexposure of digital space are considered. There are also simple rules for successful navigation in the information space presented. Review of domestic and foreign knowledge sources on the main features higher medical education has been performed. Analysis of the main characteristics and qualities of a clinical tutor demonstrated professional competence to be a fundamental trait a teacher should possess. Continuing professional training looking into different aspects, including professional competence, scientific work, pedagogical skills, knowledge updates according to the advances of information technologies, foreign language skills, critical thinking, should become a routine practice. The teacher's work at a higher medical school is being analyzed from a new modern standpoint of competence, i.e., knowledge, skills and characteristics enabling to fulfill large amounts of work and to achieve competitive results.