Scientific Reports (Mar 2024)
Electromagnetic forming of AA1060 sheet based on mixed forces generated by a three-coil dual-power system
Abstract The electromagnetic force used in electromagnetic forming is mainly divided into attraction and repulsion. Dual-coil attractive electromagnetic forming can be used in the field of sheet pit repair. However, the magnetic field and eddy current generated by the two coils compete with each other, and the energy utilization rate is low. Therefore, a compensation coil is introduced, and an electromagnetic forming scheme of a three-coil dual-power sheet based on mixed force is proposed and verified by simulation. It is found that the three-coil mixed force can effectively improve the competition between the magnetic field and eddy current. The loading of the mixing force is not a simple superposition of attraction and repulsion, but the mutual promotion of the two. The forming displacement of the three-coil mixed force forming scheme is 582% higher than that of the dual-coil attraction forming scheme, and 89% higher than that of the attract first and then repel forming scheme. The forming effect of the three-coil mixing force is related to the number of turns of the compensation coil. The research results can improve the energy utilization rate of electromagnetic forming and provide a new idea for the loading scheme of electromagnetic forming force field.