Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran (Apr 2018)
<p>Efek pasta gigi kalsium karbonat dan hydrated silica terhadap pewarnaan gigi perokok</p><p>The effect of calcium carbonate and hydrated silica toothpaste on the smoker’s teeth colouration</p>
Pendahuluan: Pewarnaan pada gigi dalam rongga mulut akibat merokok sering kali menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan warna pada gigi, dan menyebabkan perokok merasa tidak puas dengan penampilan gigi mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai perbedaan efek pasta gigi yang mengandung kalsium karbonat dan hydrated silica terhadap penurunan pewarnaan gigi perokok. Metode: Jenis penelitian adalah eksperimental semu dengan metode pre and post test design. Sampel sebanyak 30 orang mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Geologi Unpad. Kelompok pertama melakukan penyikatan gigi dengan kalsium karbonat dan kelompok kedua dengan hydrated sillica. Pewarnaan diukur dengan indeks pewarnaan Lobene yang terdiri dari nilai intensitas, area, dan gabungan, selain itu dilakukan pengukuran dengan menggunakan acuan intensitas pewarnaan Pepsodent™. Data dianalisis dengan uji t, uji Wilcoxon, dan uji Mann-Whitney. Hasil: Hasil uji menunjukan kalsium karbonat menurunkan pewarnaan gigi perokok dilihat dari seluruh pengukuran, hydrated silica menurunkan pewarnaan gigi perokok dilihat dari pengukuran intensitas Pepsodent™, area Lobene, dan gabungan Lobene, serta terdapat perbedaan penurunan pewarnaan gigi menurut pengukuran intensitas Pepsodent™, area Lobene, dan gabungan Lobene pada kelompok kalsium karbonat dibandingkan dengan kelompok hydrated silica. Simpulan: Penurunan pewarnaan gigi dengan menggunakan pasta gigi yang mengandung kalsium karbonat lebih besar dibandingkan dengan pasta gigi yang mengandung hydrated silica. Kata kunci: Calcium carbonate, hydrated silica, pasta gigi, perokok, pewarnaan gigi. ABSTRACT Introduction: Tooth discolouration due to smoking often causes stains, tooth colour changes, and makes smokers dissatisfied with their tooth appearance. The purpose of the research was to assess the differences between toothpaste contained calcium carbonate and hydrated silica in reducing discolouration of the smoker’s teeth. Methods: A quasi-experimental was performed with a pre and post test design method. As much as 30 students from the Faculty of Geological Engineering served as samples. The first group conducted the tooth brushing with calcium carbonate and the second group with hydrated silica. Discolouration was measured with Lobene Discolouration Index, which values the intensity, area, and combination. Furthermore, other measurements also performed using the Pepsodent™ discolouration-intensity index. All data were analysed using the t-test, Wilcoxon test, and Mann-Whitney test. Result: The results showed that calcium carbonate toothpaste reduced the smokers’ tooth discolouration observed using all measurement, while hydrated silica toothpaste reduced the smoker’s teeth discolouration only when observed using Pepsodent™ intensity, Lobene area, and combination measurements. There was also a different reduction in tooth discolouration according to Pepsodent™ intensity, Lobene area, and combination measurement in the group of calcium carbonate toothpaste compared to hydrated silica toothpaste. Conclusion: Calcium carbonate toothpaste was found to be better in reducing the smoker’s tooth discolouration compared with hydrated silica toothpaste. Keywords: Calcium carbonate, hydrated silica, toothpaste, smokers, tooth discolouration.