Sālmand (Jan 2016)
Effect of Self-Management Empowering Model on the Quality of Life in the Elderly Patients With Hypertension
Objectives: Lifestyle and quality of life are closely associated with the prevalence of hypertension, which its lack of control can cause disability and low quality of life. This study aimed to study the impact of selfmanagement empowering model on the quality of life in patients with hypertension. Methods & Materials: This study was a clinical trial, conducted on elderly patients with hypertension in Bushehr City, Iran. They were selected by purposeful method and randomly divided into case and control groups. Intervention was done in 5 steps, based on the self-management empowering model (self-awareness of the performance level and self-expectations of the client, optimal goal setting by the client, planning, correcting the structure, and evaluation). Then, the data were collected by demographic data and SF36 questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS 18 with significance level set at ≤0.05. Results: By using the empowering program for elders, the mean quality of life level and its dimensions in the case group showed significant differences (P0.05). Difference between the total score of quality of life before and after the intervention in the case group compared to that difference in the control group showed a significant difference (P<0.05). Conclusion: Implementing the principles of self-management empowering model with emphasis on the elderly patients with hypertension could lead to a better quality of life among them. As a result, this model can be an appropriate approach in the health care programs and improve the quality of life in old age.