Argumentation et Analyse du Discours (Oct 2017)
Paroles d’enseignants sur l’écriture : recherche et institution en concurrence
This paper deals with the way teachers of primary and secondary school take into account and reformulate the institutional concepts, principles and prescriptions of the didactic researches they had been in contact with during the time of their professional training. The research is based on two questionnaires and on semi-structured interviews of 19 teachers in three different school sectors (rural, urban and peri-urban) of the Loire Valley Region (France). The analysis of their declarations (Rastier 1987; Authier-Revuz 1995; Rabatel 2009) reveals that they massively appropriated the programs’ discourse through an agreement of points of view (accord de point de vue) presupposing a fusion of the enunciative instances. This leads to question the circulation of didactic discourses - the objectives of which, in opposition to the programs’ objectives – are neither unified, nor unifying.