مجلة علوم ذي قار (May 2019)
تاثير مساحيق اوراق بعض النباتات في الاداء الحياتي لخنفساء الدقيق الصدئية الحمراء
The study deals with the effect of leaves powders of Nicotiana tabacum ,Nerium oleander , Zizphusspina-christi , Vitex agnus-castus, Lantana camara , Myrtus communis , Clerodendron inerum and Eucalptus globules on the mortality reduction in F1progeny and repellency of leaves powders on the red flour beetle . This results showed that when we mixed the leaves powders with crushed wheat grains in amounts of 4, 2,1, and 0.5 % weight by weight , the mortalities increased with increasing mount .The leaves powders of N. tabacum ,Z. christi and C. inerium was the best effected the mortality of the adults after 7 days it 97.5 ,71.77 , 68.33% respectively . The losses of percentage rate in the weight grains was revesaly proprotioed with mount of powder was the best mount 4 % reduced in the weight and also mixed leaves powder with0.92 % grains through 30 days reached food reducing F1 progeny , the best effected was L .camara it reached 95.12 % and producted rate reached 1.46% . The results showed that leaves powder of M communis was the best effected of response index reached - 0.1at all amounts 4 % and 2 % after 24 hours . The result showed was not effected the plants powdered of leaves in the percentag of germination of wheat grains treatment .