Problemi Ekonomiki (Mar 2013)
Formation of the mechanism of state regulation of the fuel and energy complex of a region
The goal of the article is theoretical substantiation of the process of formation of the mechanism of state regulation of the fuel and energy complex (FEC) of a Ukrainian region. The article studies specific features of formation of the mechanism of state regulation of the FEC of Ukraine and identifies conceptual provisions of this process. It develops the mechanism of state regulation of FEC, realisation of which would ensure stable, effective and system functioning of fuel and energy processes, which would be an effective support for economy of the country and its development. It analyses main principles, functions, forms, methods and means of state regulation of FEC. It offers and justifies regulatory and legal, organisational, information and financial and economic provisions of the mechanism of state regulation of FEC. The prospect of further studies is development of directions of improvement of the mechanism of state regulation of FEC of a region, especially this is applied to a proper identification of priorities of state regulation of FEC in the regional context and assessment of efficiency of activity of state bodies of authority.