National Journal of Community Medicine (Dec 2010)
Role Of Unmanned Condoms Depots in Promotion of Condoms in The Community During HIV/AIDS Epidemic in India
Context: It was felt that large number of people are having unmet need of condoms and the agencies through which condom is to be procured are suffering from one or other handicaps, and so the use of condom is low. Purpose: To know the acceptability of condoms through unmanned depots by the community. Methods: A small experiment was conducted with 17 such unmanned condom depots which were installed in offices, banks and market places. Findings; The total pick up of condoms were 166533 during the period of 21 months and 25 days. The average condoms picked up from all depots were 7627 pieces per month and an average of 22.12 pieces of condoms per working day of depots. These unmanned condom depots were 30 times more efficient than the condom vending machines, and 13 times more efficient than the distribution of condoms under social marking of the National AIDS Control Program in India. Conclusions: Such experiment was found successful with very good pick-up of condoms without their misuse.