Revista de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río (Jun 2009)

Ambiente redox salival: Comparación entre pacientes con enfermedad periodontal inflamatoria y pacientes periodontalmente sanos Salivary redox environment: comparison between patients suffering from periodontal disease and periodontal healthy patients

  • Hetzel de la C Lourido Pérez,
  • Gregorio Martínez Sánchez,
  • Danay de la C Fleitas Vigoa,
  • Joaquín Fernández Becerra

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13, no. 2
pp. 123 – 134


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Con el objetivo de estudiar el Ambiente redox salival del paciente con enfermedad periodontal inflamatoria y el paciente sano desde el punto de vista periodontal, fue realizado un estudio observacional, transversal y de casos y controles en Pinar del Río, de Julio 2006 a Julio 2007. El universo lo constituyeron 35 individuos; no se aplicó muestreo; se conformaron dos grupos,"Estudio", que incluyó pacientes afectados periodontalmente, y "Control", que incluyó pacientes sanos periodontalmente; a ambos se les realizó un interrogatorio y un examen bucal; los datos fueron registrados en un Cuaderno de Recogida de Datos; se les recogió una muestra de saliva, la cual fue refrigerada a -20ºC hasta el momento de la realización de las determinaciones bioquímicas en el analizador automático HITACHI. Para el procesamiento estadístico se aplicó la prueba de Outliers, ensayos de Shapiro, Wilks, se aplicó la prueba T de student y coeficiente de correlación de Pearson; el nivel de significación estadística empleado fue pAimed at studying Salivary Redox Environment of the patient suffering from the inflammatory periodontal disease and healthy patients from the periodontal point of view an observation, cross-sectional, a cases and controls study was carried out during July 2006-June 2007 in Pinar del Rio. The universe was comprised of 35 individuals; no sampling was applied; and two groups were formed, “Study” which included affected patients and “Control” periodontally healthy patients. Both groups were interviewed and a oral and dental examination was performed. Data were collected in a Data Processing Notebook. A sample of saliva was taken and kept refrigerated at -20º C to conduct a biochemical analysis with a HITACHI automatic analyzer. The statistical process outliers values, Shapiro-Wilks, Students’s test, Pearson´s correlation coefficient were calculated, all of them at 95 % of certainty. The existence of an imbalance in the Patient’s Redox Environment respect to healthy patients was observed. Mean values were significantly higher than the Avanced Products of Protein Oxidation in the patients of the “Study” respect to those in “Control” and mean values were significantly higher in the Reducing Capacity of the Ferro-Iron in “Control” patients compared with “Study”, determining that the Advanced Products of Protein Oxidation and the Reducing Capacity of the Ferro-Iron were the variables of the major diagnostic value for periodontal disease.
