Advances in Mechanical Engineering (Dec 2023)
One new composite control based smooth nonlinear fractional order sliding mode algorithm and disturbance compensation for PMSM with parameter uncertainties
To achieve high-quality control of PMSM with parameter uncertainties, a nonlinear smooth fractional order sliding mode composite control (NSFOSMCC) strategy is designed in this paper. This approach incorporates a novel nonlinear smooth fractional order sliding mode controller, a novel adaptive super-twisting (AST) algorithm, and a modified nonlinear extended state observer (ESO) to achieve enhanced motor performance. To effectively overcome the disadvantages of simplicity and toughness associated with the conventional fractional order sliding mode controller, a novel nonlinear smooth fractional order sliding mode controller is designed. A novel AST technique is introduced to effectively weaken chattering issues. The modified nonlinear ESO is used to estimate the uncertainty parameters of the PMSM. By combining the modified nonlinear ESO with the latest sliding mode controller, a new composite controller called NSFOSMCC strategy is developed for PMSM. The proposed NSFOSMCC strategy, utilizing a combination of “feedforward plus feedback,” is implemented for PMSM with parameter uncertainties. The reliability and stability of the controller are thoroughly established through the utilization of the Lyapunov stability theorem. Furthermore, comparative results show strong evidence supporting the effectiveness of the novel composite control strategy.