Известия высших учебных заведений. Поволжский регион:Технические науки (Dec 2022)
Information-measuring and control system of pulse-current stabilization of parameters of tensoresistive pressure sensors
Background. Today, pressure measurement systems, which include outgoing tensoresistive pressure sensors (TPS), whose dependence naturally depends on the stability of thin film resistors are widely used in rocket and space technology, aviation, and helicopter industry. During the operation and storage of sensors, the resistance values of the resistors change: they increase or decrease, depending on the processes prevailing at this time. Despite the high functionality of TPS, the problem of ensuring a stable metrological characteristic is relevant. Materials and methods. One of the most effective methods for improving the stability of TPS is the pulse-current processing of strain gauges. Automation of the complex process of pulse-current stabilization of the parameters of thin-film resistors is possible through the development of a specialized information-measuring and control system (IMCS) that implements an automated selection of the parameters of the acting pulses for a particular type of resistors, taking into account their individual characteristics. To adapt the stabilization process to the specific parameters of the resistors, a unit for measuring resistance in the process of pulse-current exposure is introduced into the IMCS. Results. A block diagram of the IMCS is proposed, which implements an automated adaptive selection of the parameters of the acting pulses during the pulse-current stabilization of the TPD. Conclusions. The construction of an IMCS based on the proposed block diagram will allow achieving the minimum possible instability of the metrological characteristics of the TPS directly in the course of the technological process and adapting the parameters of the pulsecurrent stabilization to the current values of the TPS parameters.