Bìblìotečnij vìsnik (Jan 2020)
Ukrainian Library Professional Periodicals in the Digital Scientific Communications
The article analyzes the state of inclusion of scientific journals of NASU in the international scientometric space. The evaluation criteria of the level of scientific periodicals by quantitative indicators are considered, in particular, one of the popular scientometric indices of influence of a scientific publication - impact factor (IF) is considered. It is stated that all scientific periodicals, presented in the information resource "Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine" of the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine (VNLU), are correctly indexed by the Google Scholar search engine with the possibility to create a scientometric portrait of scientific journals. VNLU has developed a system of "Bibliometrics of Ukrainian Science", which displays ratings based on Google Scholar, Scopus, and Web of Science, and an electronic library "Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine", which introduces a basic index of periodicals integration into the scientific communications system for appropriate assessment of scientific professional edition. Blighty scientific professional librarian periodicals now have sites that meet the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science, are presented in international in formation-analytical and search systems and receive a digital DOI for articles and lists cited literature. The article highlights the integration of VNLU library professional periodicals into the international information-analytical and search systems, the assignment of the international digital identifier DOI to the scientific publications of the VNLU.