Horizontes (Dec 2011)
Idioms in journalistic texts: input for PFL (Portuguese as a Foreign Language) classes
The main objective of our research was to analyze the input potential that journalistic texts have and if they could be used as authentic material in a PFL (Portuguese Foreign Language) classroom, taking into consideration that many idiomatic expressions that they incorporate, are constantly used in the media. As a matter of research we propose: 1) the selection of authentic material, from magazines or newspapers, from which those idiomatic expressions can be extracted; 2) the analysis of the selected expressions in the context they are inserted. 3) the elaboration of a proposal of exercises with these expressions to be used as input in PFL classroom. The results of the research show that foreign students have a lot of difficulty to understand the meaning of idiomatic expressions, although there is a context that indicates the meaning. Journalistic texts can be used as source of input to teach idiomatic expressions, but they demand that teachers prepare themselves adequately. This study can encourage the participating teachers to reflect on their teaching strategies and to search new procedures and materials that value teachers and students as cultural subjects who can exchange cultural and symbolic knowledge when interacting.