Pražské Egyptologické Studie (Jun 2015)
Diskovité korálky ze skořápek pštrosích vajec z mezolitického sídliště Sfinga (SKB.W-60) v pohoří Sabaloka (centrální Súdán) // Disc beads from ostrich eggs from the Mesolithic site of Sphinx (SBK.W-60), Jebel Sabaloka (Central Sudan)
Ostrich eggs are sought after not only for their nutrition content, but also for use in artefact industries. The egg shells can be used to make containers or items of personal decoration, such as pendants and disc beads. The latter artefacts and the process of their manufacturing were studied on the material gained through excavation in 2012 of Sounding 2 (20 m2 ) at the Mesolithic settlement and burial ground of Sphinx (SBK.W-60) at Jebel Sabaloka (West Bank) in central Sudan.