Névtani Értesítő (Dec 2019)
Beszámoló a 26. Nemzetközi Névtudományi Kongresszusról
Report on the 26th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences The 26th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences was held between 27th August and 1st September 2017 at the University of Debrecen, Hungary. The 230 participants arrived at the conference from 41 countries, representing 120 research centres. The central topic of the conference was Locality and globality in the world of names. Most papers were delivered in parallel sections; however, one day was devoted to topic-specific symposia of mostly invited speakers. Paper presentations were accompanied by several other kinds of professional events. Different bodies and working groups of ICOS arranged their meetings; an exhibition of onomastic publications and digital databases could also be viewed. The ICOS Congress displayed today’s onomastics as a vivid, diversified research field with international dimensions, in which Hungarian onomastics find its position and role well.