Data in Brief (Jun 2023)

A dataset of the effects of therapeutic exercise programs on physical function in patients undergoing hemodialysis

  • Borja Perez-Dominguez,
  • Aida Lopez-Brull,
  • Sara Perpiña-Martinez,
  • Jose Casaña,
  • Alvaro Manuel Rodriguez-Rodriguez,
  • Maria Blanco-Diaz

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 48
p. 109048


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The dataset presented in this article belongs to a randomized controlled trial, conducted between November 2015 and May 2016, where therapeutic exercise interventions were implemented in patients with End-Stage Renal Diseases undergoing hemodialysis. The intervention was carried out at the Hospital de Manises, in Manises (Spain). Participants performed a 16-week exercise program either during dialysis (intradialytic) or at home, combining resistance and aerobic training. Tests were assessed prior to the dialysis session, and include several dimensions of the patient's functional status, such as functional capacity, physical performance, balance, lower limb strength and endurance, and handgrip strength. Data was collected prior to and after the implementation of an intervention. The dataset contains the raw data obtained in this data collection. The analysis consisted in the improvement of these outcomes when a therapeutic exercise intervention is implemented. Further analysis could potentially include the stratification of the sample in several subgroups according to demographic characteristics of the participants, according to levels of compliance to the intervention and according to even more specific changes within the tests performed. For instance, the improvement of the overall assessment of the Short Performance Physical Battery Test might differ from the improvement of any of the components that build this “battery” of tests, such as gait speed, balance, or the Sit-to stand-to sit 5 tests.
