Hortus Botanicus (Dec 2019)
Rare and disappearing plants in the introductive collection of the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden and Institute
The collections of open and closed ground of the northernmost Russian Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute named after N. A. Aurorin, located 120 km north of the Arctic Circle near the cities of Apatity and Kirovsk (Murmansk region), contain a unique gene pool of introduced and local plants. The collection fund of open ground plants currently includes 1864 species, subspecies, varieties, forms, varieties and plants of hybrid origin from 407 genera of 94 families. An analysis of the existing species diversity of the group of rare and endangered plants in the open ground collections of the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden was made. The assessment of the risk of extinction of plant species was carried out using the criteria of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. The article contains a list of rare and endangered plants grown in the collection nurseries of the garden. The list of rare endangered plants in the collection fund of the Polar Alpine Botanical Garden did not include inadequately studied taxa with the conservation status DD. The Red List of Threatened Species of the International Union for Conservation of Nature includes 212 plants of the open ground collection of the Polar-Alpine Botanical Gardens Institute in need of protection, belonging to 102 genera of 46 families. 2 species have CR status - species that are on the verge of extinction. 5 species of herbaceous and 6 species of wood introducers have the EN conservation status (endangered species) , 2 species of grassy and 1 species of wood introducers are in a vulnerable position (conservation status VU). There are 6 species of grassy and 2 species of wood introducers in a state close to threatened (environmental status NT). 96 species of herbaceous plants, 2 shrubberys and 90 species and subspecies trees and shrubs have LC conservation status.