Ilha do Desterro (Apr 2008)

The relevance of translation studies The relevance of translation studies

  • Kirsten Malmkjaer

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 0, no. 28
pp. 025 – 036


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Most translation theorists today would like to see translation studies firmly established as an independent discipline which, although it draws on insights from other disciplines, should be subsumed under none, (Hatim and Mason, 1990; Snell-Hornby, 1988; Bassnett-McGuire, 1980). The discipline which the majority translation theorists draw on most heavily is linguistics — indeed many books on translation theory and/or practice take the form of expositions of their authors' favourite linguistic theories plus explanations of how translators can profitably draw on them — although most also acknowledge the need to incorporate insights from areas such as philosophy, sociology, psychology, anthropology, semiotics, etc, as well. Most translation theorists today would like to see translation studies firmly established as an independent discipline which, although it draws on insights from other disciplines, should be subsumed under none, (Hatim and Mason, 1990; Snell-Hornby, 1988; Bassnett-McGuire, 1980). The discipline which the majority translation theorists draw on most heavily is linguistics — indeed many books on translation theory and/or practice take the form of expositions of their authors' favourite linguistic theories plus explanations of how translators can profitably draw on them — although most also acknowledge the need to incorporate insights from areas such as philosophy, sociology, psychology, anthropology, semiotics, etc, as well.
