Sociologie Românească (Dec 2007)

Consideraţii istorico-geografice asupra populaţiei germane din România în secolul XX

  • Cătălina Mărculeţ,
  • Elena Herda,
  • Ioan Mărculeț

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5, no. 1


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The German ethnics arrived in several waves - during the XII-XIIIth and XVII-XIXth centuries - on the Romanian territory from the Central Europe, settled mostly in the historical regions of the central and western parts of the country (Transilvania, Banat and Crişana) - that time under Hungarian domination or integrated to the Habsburg Empire. During the second part of the XXth century - beginning of the XXIst century, the number of the ethnics decreased . from 745 421 persons in 1930 to 60 088 in 2002 as a consequence of the disloyalty both to the Romanian and the German government from the Second World War (1940-1945), the after war generation.s lack of material and juridical base during the communist governance, the fear, the isolation that continued after 1989 and the discredit towards the minorities. rights proclaimed after the Revolution from December 1989.