Слобожанський науково-спортивний вісник (Jun 2017)

Special aspects and implementation of the system approach into trainer's professional activity

  • Oleg Kamaev

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 59, no. 3
pp. 45 – 48


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Purpose: to determine the special aspects and implementation of the system approach into trainer's professional activity. Material & Methods: the content of the systemic approach was considered. The following research methods were used: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological information, structural and functional analysis, system analysis. Results: defines the principles, the content of the system approach and the algorithm of its realization in practice of trainer. Conclusion: the basis for the use of the system approach in practice is the expected sport outcome; a systematic approach in the work process should be implemented through coordination, subordination, hierarchical links, development links, backward and direct links.
