Атеротромбоз (Jan 2024)
Intimate sarcoma of the common femoral artery
Intimate sarcoma is a rare malignant tumor with a very poor prognosis. The incidence rate among all sarcomas is less than 1%. The primary localization of the tumor is most often the aorta and pulmonary artery. Other localizations account for about 10% of all observations. This tumor has an extremely nonspecific picture, is characterized by difficult diagnosis and poor prognosis. The main method of treatment is surgical – excision of the affected vessel and surrounding tissues with an interoperative histological examination, arterial reconstruction. About 140 cases of intimate sarcoma have been described in the literature. We present our own observation of intimate sarcoma. In the presented clinical case, the primary localization of the tumor was the common femoral artery. The patient was admitted with a clinical picture of a false femoral artery aneurysm, which was regarded as post-traumatic, without thrombosis or embolism of the distal bed and signs of limb ischemia. Repeated reconstructive surgical interventions were performed for a diagnosed false aneurysm. The intraoperative picture did not indicate any oncological process. After discharge, within six months there were two repeated requests for emergency indications in connection with erosive bleeding in the area of surgery. There were no signs of paraprosthetic infection. The oncological process was suspected with the appearance and growth of a voluminous formation of the inguinal region, which became the reason for performing a histological examination. The final diagnosis was made in the late stage of the disease, when radical surgical treatment was not feasible. The ongoing chemotherapeutic treatment did not have a significant effect, which led to an unfavorable outcome.