Дискурс Пи (Mar 2019)
Karl Marx, Marxism and Black Africa (Translated from French by V.M. Rusakov)
Despite his late arrival in Black Africa, the work of Karl Marx is important for the analysis of the peculiarities of the historical future of the continent. This analysis requires a good use of Marxist categories. These categories must be developed and enriched in a different context, in many respects, from that of Europe in Marx's time. It is this work that Cheikh Anta Diop (1923-1986) and Amilcar Cabral (1924-1975). The first, Egyptologist, had the audacity to take a step on the track traced by the founders of historical materialism to throw light on civilizations until then considered on the fringes ofthe history of humanity; the second, political leader of the national liberation movement in Guinea Bissau and in the Cape Verde Islands, distinguished himself by his anti-dogmatic attitude towards the work of Marx, which enabled him to enrich this work and lead a struggle of victorious liberation in a country whose realities are different, in many respects, from those which enabled Marx to analyze the capitalist system of his time.