Autobiografia (Dec 2022)

Od letargu do akrobacji. O wertykalnej orientacji podmiotu w eseistyce Marka Bieńczyka


Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18


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Initially two-handed, Marek Bieńczyk’s writing evolved towards a hybrid, multi-genre essay formula. Referring to Sloterdijk’s concept of theoretical life (bíos theōrētikós), this evolution was presented as an expression of an attitude reluctant to create a coherent theoretical framework of scientific discourse and to construct a clearly defined identity of a scientist. It has been shown that this attitude is reflected in an increasingly frequent appearance of sylleptic selves in Bieńczyk’s essays. These subjects are placed in heterotopic spaces of acrobatic activism (which provides an alternative for a lethargic state of a theoretical man). By creating such subjects, the writer uses topoi of vertical poetics of rising and falling, which is characteristic for the melancholic imagination.
