Sport Mont (May 2015)
In order to achieve an advantage over the opponent, all the game elements, for which it is possible, are tended to be performed by jumping (Ziv & Lidor, 2010). This is supported by the fact that research of vertical jumping ability of volleyball players of different levels, found that players at a higher level of competition also achieve better results on tests of the assessment of vertical jumping ability (Forthomme, Croisier, Ciccarone, Crielaard, & Cloes, 2005). The research subject was aimed at detecting the difference between male and female volleyball players in morphological characteristics and explosive strength of legs, as well as determining the size of the impact of morphological characteristics of the explosive power of the lower limbs between groups formed on the basis of gender dimorphism. Method: The sample in this study was derived from a population of volleyball players of OK “RFU” from Futog, N=27 and female volleyball players of ŽOK “Futog” from Futog, N=38. For the purposes of this research morphological characteristics were measured. By using MANOVA and ANOVA differences were determined between the two sub-samples of respondents formed on the basis of gender dimorphism regarding the analyzed morphological and motor variables. In order to determine effects of the system of predictor variables on the criteria variables we used Linear Regression Analysis. Results: Statistically significant differences were observed for the variables Body height, Legs length and Lower-leg circumference, as well as for all three motor variables: Spike jump, Standing triple jump and Standing vertical jump in favor of volleyball players. Linear Regression Analysis revealed the impact of the predictor system of morphological characteristics on the criterion Spike jump in both subsamples. It was found that Body height gives the highest contribution to achieving better results regarding the height reached during spike jump in both groups. Common variability for both groups ranged from 46% in male volleyball players to 59% in female volleyball players. Discussion: Based on the values of obtained results it can be concluded that at this age and in this groups of athletes there were differences in terms of explosive power of the lower limbs, and that male volleyball players have stronger leg muscles and higher lower leg circumference (larger cross-section and probably also larger mass of muscles) that provide greater force during the play, and are also under the higher influence of androgen hormones.