Зерновое хозяйство России (May 2021)
The estimation of the new self-pollinated waxy maize lines and hybrids (Zea mays l. Ceratina)
Though waxy maize is a valuable raw material for the starch industry, its subspecies are still poorly studied. The purpose of the current work was to study the new self-pollinated hybrids and lines of waxy maize according to a complex of economically valuable traits and to identify promising ones for further breeding. The study was carried out at the FSBSI “Agricultural Research Center “Donskoy” in 2019–2020. The objects of research were 40 self-pollinated waxy maize lines and 30 hybrids developed in the Center. They were studied according to a set of economically valuable traits. There have been identified the self-pollinated lines (24/82, 26/18, 26/51, 24/15) with a high kernel productivity of 0.91–2.23 t/ha, low and medium harvest moisture content of kernel (14.0–14.7%), high resistance to lodging (0–4.6% of lodged plants), weak infestation with smut on a natural background (0–5.0% of damaged plants). There have been identified the lines (24/15, 26/18), characterized by a high starch content in matured kernel (69.2% and 69.8%). There have been developed the new waxy maize hybrids (91×93, 103×105), which significantly exceeded the standard hybrid ‘Zernogradsky 282 MB’ both in kernel productivity (on 0.41–0.80 t/ha) and in the yield of amylopectin starch (on 0, 20–0.54 t/ha). The new hybrids were characterized with low harvest moisture content of kernels (13.3–13.9%), resistance to lodging and smut on a natural background. There have been identified the new maize hybrids (91 × 94, 91×93, 91×95) with a high starch content (68.5–68.9%), an average oil content (4.4–4.6%) and protein percentage (12.1–12.2%) in matured kernel.