International Journal of Economic and Environment Geology (Feb 2020)
The Process Designing of Gold Extraction from Placers of Passu to Shimshal (Hunza Valley) Gilgit-Baltistan by Mercury Amalgamation and CyanidationLeached Method
Gold wash through panning or washing in the fluvial sediments or sands is doneon the river banks in Skardu, Hunza and other places. The method of gold washing is very crude, primitive and most of the gold is washed away back into the river. The current study mainly focused on extraction of placer gold deposits. Pneumatic machines from Passu to Shimshal (Hunza valley) Gilgit-Baltistan. The mercury amalgamation and cyanide leached methodshavebeen used for placer gold deposits extraction from the concentrate obtained from shaking table. The amount of gold recovered from amalgamation method with mercury was 30.9%. The alloyed gold with other metals, gold dust, and fine gold was recovered by chemical process. The reagent consumption, i.e. 1.4 kg/ton of NACN and 6 Kg / ton of CaO were used forextraction ofplacer gold deposits.The extracted gold is 10.24 g /t and silver 22 g /t and the remaining gold like the amalgamation residue, tailings and middlings are extracted by cyanidation leached method. The extraction of gold by cyanidation process was compared graphically, and study results revealed that extraction of gold using cyanidation leached method was91.40% and silver 100%, respectively