Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie (Sep 2018)
Polska pedagogika katolicka a wychowanie młodego pokolenia do odpowiedzialności społecznej w szkołach katolickich
The aim of the reflections is catholic pedagogy as one of the trends of Christian pedagogy which is the basis of some educational institutions, mainly catholic ones. It has, therefore, some practical implications. Moreover, it has the influence on the education of children and young people. Its role is to prepare the young generation for civic life, for being responsible for themselves and the social groups where the they live such as a family, local community, country and the world. In this article an attempt was made to answer the question: In what way can basic elements which determine identity of catholic pedagogy such as: Christocentrism, pedagogy of authority and love, personalism, supernatural, universalism and positive character influence the necessity and need of young people to take social responsibility.