Educação & Realidade (Sep 2018)

The Objectification of the Pedagogical Relationship in Everyday School Life

  • Nilda Stecanela

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 43, no. 3
pp. 929 – 946


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The text aims at reflecting on something recurrent in teachers’ and students’ narratives on their teacher and school experiences: the cultures of complaint. The observation of everyday life in schools shows that a feeling of discomfort accompanies teachers and students in the relation they establish. Although it is not named, what is at issue is the pedagogical relationship. The complaint acts as a mediator that brings to the field of reflection a pedagogical relationship that no longer sustains itself. Evidence of a relationship that occurs in parallel routes, with almost no connections, strengthens the argument for the existence of an objectified pedagogical relationship, far apart from a truly dialogical relationship.
