طب جانباز (Sep 2009)
Analysis of an optimum structure for cutting skull in Cranioplasty via finite element analysis
Introduction : Craniosynostosis is a genetic disease in which there is early fusion of the skull sutures. In this situation, skull will be deformed and prevents brain growth and causes mental retardation. Increasing the skull pressure and face deformation will be occurred in craniosynostosis which can be eliminated by cranioplasty surgery. Stresses on the skull depend on how the skull is cut by the surgeon and also on the location of plates on the skull. Purpose : In this paper, skull bone has been modeled in CATIA software. Then the model has been analyzed by ABAQUS software and according to the obtained results, an optimized model for cutting the skull in cranioplasty is presented. Results : Three models of skull have been designed in this paper. The first model is a simple model, designed according to sagittal and frontal slices of the skull based on a patient skull’s dimensions. Second model is designed in 3DMAX software considering anatomical details and the third model is designed according to CT slices obtained from MRIcro software. Discussion : In this paper, first model has been selected for analyzing the skull in cranioplasty. Results show that the way of cutting the skull in this surgery will cause mechanical stability.