Revista de Etnologie şi Culturologie (Dec 2017)
Impactul populației ruse asupra activității Gimnaziului pentru fete al zemstvei din Chișinău
This article focuses on the influence of the Russian population on the activity of the gymnasium: the reasons for transferring the educational institution to zemstvo administration, the achievements of students in their studies, zemstvo scholarships, and the pedagogical activity of teachers. The statistical data are presented on the academ- ic achievement, religion, social strata and nationality. In 1864, in the city of Chisinau, L. Belyugova founded the first women’s school as a gymnasium. In 1871, the Region- al Bessarabian Zemstvo took over the women’s gymnasi- um under their control in order to train national teachers. On the basis of the Charter of 1874, the following subjects were taught: God’s Law, Russian language, mathematics, geography, natural history and physics, and calligraphy as compulsory disciplines, as well as French, German, Latin, drawing and pedagogy as optional ones. For their success in school, pupils received scholarships from the Bessara- bian Zemstvo. As of 1880, Russians (47.7%) and Moldavians (23.5%) predominated in the gymnasium. Of all the pupils, the absolute majority were Orthodox Christians (78.4%); 68.3% of the pupils were of noble origin, followed by children of merchants (14%) and philistines (11.6%).