Food Technology forecasting: A based bibliometric update in functional chocolates
César R. Balcázar-Zumaeta,
Efraín M. Castro-Alayo,
Lucas D. Muñoz-Astecker,
Ilse S. Cayo-Colca,
Fredy Velayarce-Vallejos
César R. Balcázar-Zumaeta
Instituto de Investigación, Innovación y Desarrollo para el Sector Agrario y Agroindustrial de la Región Amazonas (IIDAA), Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza de Amazonas, Calle Higos Urco 342-350-356, Chachapoyas, Amazonas, Peru; Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias Agrarias, Escuela de Posgrado, Universidad Nacional de Piura, Piura, Jr. Tacna 748, Piura, Peru; Corresponding author. Instituto de Investigación, Innovación y Desarrollo para el Sector Agrario y Agroindustrial de la Región Amazonas (IIDAA), Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza de Amazonas, Calle Higos Urco 342-350-356, Chachapoyas, Amazonas, Peru.
Efraín M. Castro-Alayo
Industrial Engineering Program, Academic Department of Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Av. Universitaria 1801, San Miguel, Lima 32, Peru; Instituto de Investigación, Innovación y Desarrollo para el Sector Agrario y Agroindustrial de la Región Amazonas (IIDAA), Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza de Amazonas, Calle Higos Urco 342-350-356, Chachapoyas, Amazonas, Peru
Lucas D. Muñoz-Astecker
Instituto de Investigación, Innovación y Desarrollo para el Sector Agrario y Agroindustrial de la Región Amazonas (IIDAA), Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza de Amazonas, Calle Higos Urco 342-350-356, Chachapoyas, Amazonas, Peru
Ilse S. Cayo-Colca
Facultad de Ingeniería Zootecnista, Agronegocios y Biotecnología, Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza de Amazonas, Calle Higos Urco 342-350-356, Chachapoyas, Amazonas, Peru
Fredy Velayarce-Vallejos
Facultad de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Mecánica, Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza de Amazonas, Calle Higos Urco 342-350-356, Chachapoyas, Amazonas, Peru, Chachapoyas, Amazonas, Peru
Technology forecasting (TF) based on bibliometric tools allows knowing the technological trends of developed topics based on experience and current knowledge, thus anticipating future changes. To reduce hunger and improve nutrition, the food-based topic is of central concern, especially functional food. Among these, various studies on chocolates have been performed. On a global scale, these products are at the level of patents, with China leading it, vastly outperforming the cocoa-producing countries. Though no known functional chocolates are sold under that specific name, chocolates on the market serve as ''carriers'' of bioactive compounds. Unfortunately, they cannot be attributed to health properties since these properties have to be evaluated with in vitro, in vivo, and clinical studies. Launching functional chocolate on the market is possible; however, it would be a long-term process involving previous stages such as studying its ingredients' bioactive properties, laboratory-level product development, functional properties, and quality and acceptance parameters. For research purposes, it is possible to speak of functional chocolates, potentially functional chocolates, or chocolates enriched with bioactive compounds since the development of research does not necessarily involve launching the product on the market.