Recherches en didactique des langues et des cultures (Jan 2021)

Mise en œuvre de la recherche en didactique dans un centre universitaire de FLE : démarches, atouts et contraintes.

  • GRASSIN Jean-François,
  • PARPETTE Chantal


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In this article, the two authors look back at projects in which they have been involved as teachers of French as a Foreign Language and as teacher-researchers. In a FFL teaching center in Lyon university, they aim to question how research has emerged and to examine the forms that it has taken, while determining both the assets and the constraints of this type of place where two dynamics coexist : that of research practices and that of teaching practices. The critical description identifies the elements of an institutional ecosystem that requires the construction of bridges between these two communities of practice. The three experiences exposed provide elements to clarify the interrelatedness between FFL teaching and FFL teaching research. The relation they analyze here – and for which they advocate – describes the classroom not simply as a place of data collection for the researcher, but also as a site where the obstacles to the desired course of learning raise questions and research subjects. Thus the strong link between research and teaching leads more easily to didactic intervention supports, with variable dimensions, supports called here pedagogical objects.
