Bioma (Jul 2018)
ABSTRACT This study aims to find out the profile of teachers' constructivist practice and it effects on self-efficacy and student cognitive learning outcomes. The subjects of the study are two Biology teachers and a group of first year high school students in Kayen district, Pati. The instrument of data collection is consists of questionnaire, observation sheet, and score document. The data of the research are analyzed with quantitative approach. The results show that both teachers get average score of 3,16 and 3,63. Those scores are classified as high criterion. Based on the N-gain test, the result of students’ cognitive learning has medium to high criteria. The students' cognitive and self-efficacy learning outcomes in all classes before and after constructivist practice on learning by teachers significantly differ (p <0.05). Although the result of student's self-efficacy in N-gain test shows low to moderate criteria, the result of the analysis shows that there is positive correlation in students’ self-efficacy caused by constructivist practice by teachers with cognitive learning outcomes. It can be concluded that a profile of teachers' constructivist practice is classified as high category which has positive effect on self-efficacy and student learning outcomes. Keyword: cognitive learning achievment, constructivist, self-efficacy ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil praksis konstruktivis guru serta pengaruhnya terhadap self efficacy dan hasil belajar kognitif siswa. Subyek penelitian adalah dua orang guru mata pelajaran Biologi dan siswa kelas X IPA di salah satu SMAN di Kayen Kabupaten Pati. Instrumen pengambilan data penelitian terdiri atas angket, lembar observasi, dan dokumen nilai. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa praktik konstruktivis guru dalam pembelajaran oleh guru A memperoleh rata-rata skor 3,16 dengan kriteria tinggi, guru B memperoleh rata-rata skor 3,63 dengan kriteria tinggi. Berdasarkan uji N-gain hasil belajar kognitif siswa kelas X IPA.1sampai X IPA.5 dengan kriteria sedang sampai dengan tinggi. Hasil belajar kognitif dan self-efficacy siswa di semua kelas sebelum dan sesudah praktik konstruktivis pada pembelajaran oleh guru menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan (p< 0,05). Walupun uji N-gain self-efficacy siswa masih menunjukkan rendah sampai sedang. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa di semua kelas ada korelasi positif self-efficacy siswa akibat praktik konstruktivis oleh guru dengan hasil belajar kognitif. Kesimpulan penelitian ini bahwa profil praktik konstruktivis pada pembelajaran oleh guru menunjukkan kategori tinggi, hal ini berpengaruh positif terhadap self-efficacy dan hasil belajar siswa. Kata kunci : hasil belajar kognitif, konstruktivis, self efficacy siswa