Ekonomski Pogledi (Jan 2013)
Characteristics of foreign trade between the Serbia and Russian Federation
Many studies proves that all economies have had high rate of economic growth in the long run (increase of 7% for more than two decades) that was without any exceptions export-driven. Analysis of foreign trade between the Serbia and Russian Federation should reveal segments in foreign trade where amount traded should be intensified. Two decades ago Russia was the most important Serbian foreign trade partner, where Serbia had foreign trade surplus. Today Serbian export to Russian Rederation covers onlz quarter of its import, despite the fact that two ceountries signed Treatment on foreign trade in August 2000. In the first chapter of the paper we analyze Serbian economic structure, due to the fact that economic structure deteminate export. The new model of Serbian economic growth should be based on tradeble economic sectors. Russian model of economic development, that had been significantly changed during hte last two decades in transition from planned to market economy, is subject of analysis in the second chapter. In the third chapter of the paper Serbian-Russian Federation foreign trade is analysed in order to discover which market segments could be important for Serbian exporters.