Mathematics in Engineering (Mar 2021)
The ergodic limit for weak solutions of elliptic equations with Neumann boundary condition
We consider the so-called {\it ergodic} problem for weak solutions of elliptic equations in divergence form, complemented with Neumann boundary conditions. The simplest example reads as the following boundary value problem in a bounded domain of $\R^N$: $$ \begin{cases} -\dive(A(x)\nabla u) + \lambda = H(x, \nabla u) \qquad \hbox{in $\Omega$,} & \\ A(x) \nabla u\cdot \vec n=0\qquad \hbox{on $\partial \Omega$,} & \end{cases} $$ where $A(x)$ is a coercive matrix with bounded coefficients, and $H(x,\nabla u)$ has Lipschitz growth in the gradient and measurable $x$-dependence with suitable growth in some Lebesgue space (typically, $|H(x,\nabla u)|\leq b(x) |\nabla u|+ f(x)$ for functions $b(x)\in \elle N$ and $f(x) \in \elle m$, $m\geq 1$). We prove that there exists a unique real value $\lambda$ for which the problem is solvable in Sobolev spaces and the solution is unique up to addition of a constant. We also characterize the ergodic limit, say the singular limit obtained by adding a vanishing zero order term in the equation. Our results extend to weak solutions and to data in Lebesgue spaces $\elle m$ (or in the dual space $(\acca)'$), previous results which were proved in the literature for bounded solutions and possibly classical or viscosity formulations.