Annals of the University of Oradea: Economic Science (Jul 2012)
In this article I have presented the results of a research realized at the end of the year 2011, within the framework of the cross-border project entitled n#8222;Business incubator for cross-border tourist developmentn#8221;. This incubator will be constructed in Vadu Criºului Community, Bihor County, while the realized study intended to demonstrate the fact that such initiative on one hand will attract investors, respectively companies with activities linked directly or indirectly to tourism n#8211; because the area offers them all the necessary conditions for business development-, while on the other hand this initiative can encourage and support cross-border tourist co-operation, especially with the balneary spa resort in Hajdúszoboszló, Hungary. For this reason a questionnaire was realized, which was applied not just in the micro-region of Vadu Criºului but in Hajdúszoboszló as well, especially distributed among the economical agents that have tourism linked to their activity. The study showed not just the resources and the modalities of existing advertising but also the possibilities of cross-border co-operation as a chance to develop tourism from the two regions. In this way, the study shows the fact that in the case of the macro-region of Vadu Criºului, the extension of the tourism services must be based on the natural characteristics of the region and on highly emphasized own initiatives, rather than the initiatives and the support or the administrative authorities. In the case of the Hajdúszoboszló resort, a tendency outlines among those who consider the tourism development in the resort essential, tourism services must be diversified, and more emphasis must be put on the implication of local authorities, a chance seen in cooperation with the tourist area without similar characteristics (namely, direct non-competitor), but from the cross-border region (the opening towards the Romanian side is relevant, persuaded on the first place with the wish of learning the Romanian language), however, information and gaining creditability that Vadu Criºului and the surrounding area has a tourist potential needs real improvements. Hajdúszoboszló tends towards advertising the existing tourist potential and infrastructure, pulsing through ensuring the diversity of the programs. In comparison, the Vadu Criºului area, even if the first signs of diversification are observed towards the potential of the region, actually still needs extension, but lacks that particular force of grouping around one element or a set of elements that can assume the role of a promoter. As a solution for grouping the micro-region, followed by the extension of services, the central point must be occupied by an intermediate structure formed among local administrative bodies and entities who encourage own initiatives, including NGOn#8217;s, so one of the many solutions that can be viable would be the existence of an advertising center in the Vadu Criºului Defile, a function that will be fulfilled by the business incubator.